Housing Complex Jordanovac


Housing Complex Jordanovac

Promotion and production

Main objectives of the project

Housing ensemble with 4 buildings sits in the contact zone of single family houses and residential towers from mid-seventies. Our proposal tries - both in terms of size and type – to mediate between the two, gathering them around a semi-private yard. Buildings themselves contain three maisonette-like apartments each with richly designed outer spaces.


  • 2017: Construction


  • Architect: Luka Korlaet
  • Architect: Svebor Andrijević


Continent: Europe
Country/Region: Croatia


The ensemble is made up of four buildings of approximately 600 m2 grouped around a semi-private yard. The choice of materials and landscaping show the effort to humanize and domesticate the environment. The buildings contain three apartments each. Like in a housing row, each apartment is provided with a direct pedestrian and vehicular access. In terms of design, the buildings are simple white prisms with smooth plastered main body on the pedestal of large sized glass and/or HPL panels. This design references the best examples of Zagreb mid-war architecture, but in a contemporary interpretation. Roofs are intensely green and used as outdoor areas with extraordinary views over the city. The apartments have several levels and spatial quality of small family houses and are oriented on multiple sides, which, in combination with large openings, makes them well-lit and ventilated.
The task was to design an ensemble that moves away from ubiquitous solutions, both in terms of land use and layout of the apartments. We've proposed a solution that encloses a semi-private space with strong character: these are not just four precisely designed buildings put together; they create an ambience that unifies them into a whole. Boundaries between public and private are blurred, with carefully designed paving patterns and no fences inside the ensemble.

Another important aspect of the project is a range of carefully designed outer spaces: apart from communal realm, there is a variety of gardens, loggias, terraces and green roofs. These intensely green roofs are not just luxurious outer spaces; they compensate for the lost greenery thus reviving the old Le Corbusieran ideal.

Although simple in appearance, buildings have complex longitudinal sections, with apartments overlapping each other to catch the best views as well as southwestern sun. Structural solution allows for a wide range of spatial arrangements: inside the perimeter of a certain apartment there are only partition walls. There are altogether 12 apartments of various sizes: 125 to 250 m2.
Spatial concept and applied structural solutions are in direct correlation: structural system consists of longitudinal reinforced concrete walls on a 9,00-meter span, thus allowing apartment layout variations. Main parts (white prisms) are covered in ETICS facade system with smooth plaster finishing while lower parts of the building are large format glass and/or HPL ventilated facades.

Large openings are glazed in high-end aluminium frames. Windows belonging to the same apartment are visually connected with a white band thus giving a hint of what's going on in section: facades become a display of internal structure. Flickering, moiré-ish pergolas may look ethereal but at the same time they are engineering tour de force: conceived on a 9-meter span, the main truss had to be carefully pre-stressed in order to gain its final geometry.

Special attention was paid to the technical aspect: due to careful building physics calculations and applied materials, buildings were labeled as Energy Class A+. They are equipped with heat pumps and ceiling&wall heating/cooling system. Recuperation system allows constant air exchange in the area without energy loss.

Student Center and Dormitory for the University of Dubrovnik


Student Center and Dormitory for the University of Dubrovnik

Policies and regulations
Urban Design
Promotion and production

Main objectives of the project

Student Center and Dormitory for the University of Dubrovnik is a small university city within a city. It interprets urban themes of Mediterranean cities: open-air life, as well as architectonic volume, form, and texture.


  • 2020: Construction


  • Architect: Ana Martinčić Vareško
  • Architect: Vanja Rister
  • Architect: Tin Sven Franić


Continent: Europe
Country/Region: Croatia


Student Center and Dormitory for the University of Dubrovnik is an integrative point for University of Dubrovnik joining students and teachers, city, and University. Public platform with abundant horticulture is designed on the city parterre level, strongly connecting to the surrounding neighborhoods. Public access facilities like student restaurants, cafe, convention hall, gym, dorm reception area and multipurpose room are all positioned alongside linear a promenade connecting two neighborhoods. Three volumes of student housing “float” above it, joined together with common spaces.
In the tourism dominated Dubrovnik of today, it is important for architecture to articulate public interest and local citizens’ needs. On the symbolic level Student Dormitory finally made Dubrovnik a functioning university city.

Site location in Montovjerna, Dubrovnik is determined by the compression between two build up hills on east-west axis, and north-west axis that is topographically open, oriented towards the sea.

Three housing blocks interpret cloister – introverted, Mediterranean “open air rooms”. Inner gardens surrounded by open galleries with student rooms form a framework for communal lives of its inhabitants. Diamond shape of its layout is derived from topography: an archetypical square is transformed to rhombus. Distortion and rotation of the layout allow for good orientations for all the rooms and creates unusual dynamics of interieur spaces. Typical room is divided into three zones with flexibility of use in mind, each setting a different atmosphere.
The reinforced concrete structure of the project follows the logic of its concept: post and beam grid system allow free flow of the lower part of the building, and housing blocks of the upper part are supported by cantilevered room walls. Glass façade of the parterre suggest openness of the public program behind, and fiber cement sheeting façade of the volumes above reinterpret texture and mass of stone city walls of the past. Complex room window design with two parapet heights with fixed and sliding brises-soleil permit window sitting inside and create ever changing texture on the outside. In the inside courtyards wood is used for large room windows and doors as well as railing / sun protection along open galleries. Extensive green roof gardens inside such open air wooden “rooms” are at the heart of the building.