International competition for solutions on new technologies for social housing
Main objectives of the project
The General Assembly of the United Nations, declaring 1987 «lnternational Year of Shelter for the Homeless», pointed out to all the nations of the world the need for a renewal of political strategy and for a more effective and efficient participation in the task of improving the quality of the human dwelling.
The aims of «lnternational Year of Shelter for the Homeless» are as fallows:
• Obtain the active collaboration of government and non-governmental organizations in the search for new rnethods and strategies destined to achieve decent housing and surroundings far the underprivileged.
• Ensure that the results and solutions emanating from «lnternational Year» projects be given the widest possible diffusion in all the nations of the world.
• Convince all nations of the need to assess the desires, perspectives and priorities of those who lack decent housing and have no hope of obtaining it.
• To draw international attention to the fundamental role of housing in the development of a nation.
According to this the UIA organized an “lnternational Competition of New Technologies for the Construction of Human Dwellings, the results of which would constitute the Union's contribution to "lnternational Year of Shelter for the Homeless".
The UIA received 123 projects for the competition and this document lists those that received a price and those that received mentions.
- 1987:
- Promotor: UIA
In this competition, participants were expected to address not only the more immediate technological aspects, such as the application of new materials and building components, but also broader issues: the whole concept of housing, for example, or the legal aspects involved in the promotion and financing of domestic building. The competition was open to studies on topics such as new concepts of housing or its organic parts or the different stages in its execution or any other aspect that might have caught the interest of the participants. Energy durability, transport and recycling, ecological aspects, local atmosphere, variety of styles and aesthetics were also taken into account.