Can Travi - 85 dwellings for the eldery and public facilities


Can Travi - 85 dwellings for the eldery and public facilities

Policies and regulations
Urban Design
Ownership and tenure

Main objectives of the project

The site is on Tibidabo hillside close to the edge of Barcelona. It's a 3.500m2 trapezoidal shape with a 3,5 meters gap on the short axis and mainly horitzontal on the long one. It has an excelent south-east orientation and it has some impressive views over Barcelona.


  • 2009: Construction


  • Architect: Cristina Garcia Nafria
  • Architect: Gines Egea Viñas
  • Architect: Sergi Serrat Guillen


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Spain


The project has to solve a program of 6500m2 of social housing with 85 dwelings for eldery people and parking space for 28 cars. There are also 2000m2 of public facilities with a civical center.

Main strategies

(1) Best orientation. All of the dwelings benefit from South-East orientation. That means a great comfort for the inhabitants and a high degree of energy saving both in illumination and climatizacion of the dwellings

(2) Housing units bars are concentrated on the north perimeter of the plot so the most of the land it's available to build the civical center while keeping both best orientation and views. The building keeps a low profile of 3 stories to integrate into the neighborhood

(3) Topographical gap is solved with the parking and the civical centrer volume. Its roof is understood as a fifth façade of the building. It's treated with a painted tennis-quick finish similar to the sportive pavement used in the urbanization of the near park. It's completely open on ground floor showing its public character to the street acting as a true activity generator for the surroundings
(4) Mix of passive and active system to ensure a good climatic behavior and energysaving strategies, such as good south east orientation for dwellings, deep terraces that protects users from excessive sunlight radiation in summer but act as energy space collectors on winter, increased insulation on roofs, water management strategies and a central heating and hot water production system with solar contribution (35% of CO2 emission savings)
(5) Economic containment. White and void are the only materials used for the composition of the facade. Taking advantage of Mediterranean benevolent climatic conditions terraces function as condensers of activity enhancing the sense of community of the users. It is the place where domestic and civic activities occurs and are shown to the city. They are like the central courtyard of the houses of the Algerian Kashba but placed in a vertical plane. The size (2,5x2,5x2,5) of those voids goes beyond the scale of housing units and speaks on a level closer to the scale of the building and the city. The set of all those different actions and activities are integrated into the building volume due to the inner position of the terrace. The repetition of the void turns the facade into a chess texture. The white background unifies it all as does the snow fallen on the landscape.

(6) Housing units are the core of the system. Unit plan layout creates the longest interior diagonals possible so the space is perceived in its maximal length. Services areas are placed

on the north side (corridor, maintenance, bath, kitchen) while relation areas (living, bedroom, terraces) are faced to south.

127 Social Dwellings Building


127 Social Dwellings Building

Policies and regulations
Urban Design
Promotion and production
Ownership and tenure

Main objectives of the project

Mediating between both, past and present, craftsmanship and technology.


  • 2011: Construction


  • Architect: Víctor Setoain
  • Architect: Neus Lacomba
  • Architect: Eduard Bru


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Spain


The site was a bastion and a door in the third city wall in Barcelona. After this, it became a hospital, a prison, a square and swimming pool.

The site is now a inhabited door between the Eixample and the Raval. The project mediates between both, between past and present, between craftsmanship and technology.

The program is social housing and dwellings for the elderly people. There is also a passage and a communal courtyard, in the lower floors public facilities are located.

The volume accomplishes two different urban scales:

First, that of the Raval district:

•The project creates a small square, which provides a better natural lighting and ventilation to narrow streets.

•The project incorporates the traditional balcony and blind, which gradually filter a relationship of the public and private domains.

And second, the building achieves the urban height of the Eixample.

Design has pursued sustainable principles, searching for energetic self-sufficiency and passive regulation of the interior temperature according to the following elements:

•Optimized size of overtures in main façades (SW and NE), providing mobile sun protection (roll-up blinds).

•In order to reinforce solar protection in over-exposed areas (above 6th level), balconies incorporate in addition fixed structures for vegetal species, reducing solar incidence over the window.

Passive and active elements configure a building of high energetic efficiency, from the architectural design of the façade to the installation of air conditioning. The building approaches self-sufficiency, as it is currently demanded.

The selection of materials and construction details has been done in consideration of their life span cycle. Low incorporated energy, durability and scarce or non-existent maintenance have become criteria for the selection of materials. Amongst main materials:

•Natural wood with autoclave treatment, without varnish, for banisters and benches.

•Terrazzo pavements.

•Lime stucco without paint for all façades.
Low incorporated energy materials.

All dwellings provide crossed ventilation. Size, location and practicability of overtures allow crossed ventilation according to their inhabitants’ needs, by controlling it. Roll-up blinds are a key element in the strategy, protecting from direct solar radiation while allowing natural ventilation.

Balconies are designed for obtaining a good natural lighting for rooms as well as for avoiding excessive solar radiation along.

Greenery in the interior courtyard provides a garden inside built environment, diminishing the heat during the warmest months of the year.

110 ROOMS. Collective Housing


110 ROOMS. Collective Housing

Policies and regulations
Promotion and production
Ownership and tenure

Main objectives of the project

The collective housing contains a system of 110 rooms, which can be used as desired. Answering to the client’s demand, each apartment can be expanded or reduced adding or subtracting rooms in order to answer to inhabitants needs. With that flexibility in mind, rooms are similar eliminating any type of spatial hierarchy and program predetermination.


  • 2016: Rehabilitación


  • Architect: Guillermo López Ibáñez
  • Architect: Alfredo Lérida Horta
  • Architect: Anna Puigjaner Barberá
  • Architect: María Charneco Llanos


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Spain


The building is designed as a system of similar rooms. So each apartment can be sized and programed depending on the need.

For the next years, each floor is divided as a set of 4 apartments of 5 rooms. Rooms are connected, no corridor is needed. A kitchenette is placed in the middle acting as the center, the other rooms will be used as bedrooms and livingrooms. This flexibility is able due to the position of bathrooms, where all installations are placed as points for supply. The interior patio is roofless allowing natural ventilation, an important factor for comfort and consume control.

The ground floor refers to Eixample’s traditional halls where marbles and large spaces define the place of reception and representation. The facade as well searches to consolidate the traditional style of the area, where prevail opaque stucco walls with vertical openings and balconies.
This project is born from the radicalization of everything that seems to us valuable from Eixample’s typological tradition. Thus, floor plants are formalized following the distribution of equal (or almost equal) rooms that traditionally characterized late XIX C. housing in the area, and have modified their use throughout the decades without substantial changes. A rigid system that allows changing its use over time.

Something similar happens with the façade, where the traditional archetypal composition has simply been replicated to consolidate the preexistent: vertical openings, balconies and wood shutters. Zero invention, pure reproduction. The façade finishing is done with traditional lime stucco, which, as often happened, represents through its pattern the memory of its old inhabitants.

The ground floor recovers the popular language of old Eixample’s halls, where, through furniture and large habitable objects, the space was arranged to house different uses. Here, these furnitures are transformed into marble volumes in the middle of a large open space (where it literally rains allowing to understand the hall as an extension of the street)
The building structure is defined by a mixed system. In the ground floor a metallic structure forms each volume, and supports the building loads. The rest of the floors are supported by a reticular grid of concrete pillars and slabs, which define an order that allows future changes.

The construction system rationalizes costs and optimizes long-term use. Thus, the constructive solutions follow the tradition of the Eixample’s neighborhood, where the building is placed. Solutions which have been already used during decades there, proofing to be successful and efficient.

At the exterior façade, a ceramic layer with thermal insulation is suspended covering completely the structure and the inner enclosure. This sheet defines a continuous base for the finishing coating, which is a two-color lime stucco following the traditional neighborhood façade type. The exterior carpentry is done with laminated pine wood, complemented with traditional wood shutters for sun and ventilation regulation, increasing the building’s energetic efficiency.

In the interior, all the partitions are done with dry wall systems, allowing easy future changes in room connections.

Mixed dwelling building in 22@


Mixed dwelling building in 22@

Urban Design
Promotion and production
Ownership and tenure

Main objectives of the project

Social dwellings with shelters for the most vulnerable groups, combined together with Urban Responsibility by generating public space with an interior street, Social Responsibility by matching the conditions of the different programs and Environmental Responsibility by implementing passive design strategies such as the winter garden.


  • 2018: Construction


  • Architect: Judith Leclerc
  • Architect: Jaime Coll


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Spain


For the first time in Barcelona, two usually separate programs are combined into the same building: social housing with temporary shelters for the inclusion of the most vulnerable groups. The design of the overall project responds to 3 basic criteria: Urban Responsibility by generating public space with an interior street that both separates and visually links both programs. Social Responsibility by matching the conditions of the different programs. Environmental Responsibility by implementing passive design strategies such as the winter garden and obtaining an A energy rating label.
The challenge of this project is to include social reinsertion as one more vector of the design process along with sustainability. Inclusion and accessibility of marginalized people starts with its inclusion in the program. For the first time in Barcelona, two usually separate programs are combined in the same building: official rental housing with temporary shelter accommodation for most vulnerable groups. We seek to integrate them not to stigmatize them.

Its location on a former industrial plot in the new central area of Glories, aims at reinforcing its urban presence by accumulating all the public programs on the ground floor. The constructive concept seeks the same level of comfort for all users taking advantage of the natural characteristics of the site: maximizing solar exposure and cross ventilation on a corner plot. Solar gains are reinforced by the incorporation of a winter garden facing south and large loggias facing the western corner. The solar gain of these intermediate spaces has been simulated with Designbuilder and complemented with highly efficient systems such as aerotermia and double flow ventilation thus achieving an A energy rating.
The selection of material is entirely from the Iberian Peninsula, aiming for the most natural, breathable and healthy as possible, including the invisible ones like the insulation. The ventilated enclosure of Faveton extruded ceramic pieces allows for a great comfort with little insulation (8 cm only). The corrugated design minimizes the weight of the piece and considerably reduces the substructure. This vertical undulated surface brings warmth and light to the façade and these same ripples have been reproduced on the mold of the latticework giving a homogeneous quality to all parts of the envelope and dissimulating domestic activities such as drying clothes. The rest of flooring and ceiling materials have a high thermal resistance for a better inertia like exposed concrete and terrazzo whereas mobile materials such as entrance doors and Barcelona blinds in the balconies use a warm and renewable material: Wood.

La Borda - Cooperative Housing


La Borda - Cooperative Housing

Urban Design
Ownership and tenure

Main objectives of the project

La Borda cooperative housing is a self-organized development to access decent, non-speculative housing. It contains 28 units (40, 60 and 75m²) and several community spaces: kitchen-dining room, laundry, multipurpose space, guestrooms, health space, storages, and exterior and semi-exterior spaces such as the patio, bike parking and terraces.


  • 2018: Construction


  • Architect: Pol MassoniMangues
  • Architect: Laura Lluch Zaera
  • Architect: Lluc Hernández Torns
  • Architect: Mirko GegundezCorazza
  • Architect: Ernest Garriga Vallcorba
  • Architect: Cristina Gamboa Masdevall
  • Architect: Eulàlia Daví Borrell
  • Architect: Ana Clemente Granados
  • Architect: Carles Baiges Camprubí
  • Architect: Ariadna Artigas Fernández
  • Architect: Eliseu Arrufat Grau
  • Architect: Arnau Andrés Gallart


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Spain


The idea of a housing cooperative was born in 2012 as a project of Can Batlló driven by the community in the process of recovery of the industrial premises, and the neighborhood and cooperative fabric of the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona.

The project is located on a public land of social housing, with a leasehold of 75 years. Located in Constitució Street, in a bordering position of the industrial area of Can Batlló with a facade to the existing neighborhood of La Bordeta. The project aimed to redefine the collective housing program, while creating sustainable building and including user participation at its center.
La Borda's commitment to a community model opposed to the more traditional public or private promotions has made it possible to overcome some major limitations that are imposed on architectural projects. In the public sector, the fear of the future user, which is totally unknown, makes it impossible to introduce changes that may affect the way of living standardized. In the case of the private developers, the logic of the market that impoverish housing are imposed to facilitate their assimilation to a consumer object.

The innovation of the development process has been key to work the architecture beyond its formalization. We identify five characteristics of this model that have a direct response in the project: self-promotion, right of use, community life, sustainability and affordability.
The cooperative prioritized making a building with minimal environmental impact, both in its construction and its lifetime. Another basic objective is to eliminate the possibility of energy poverty among its users, which some of them suffered due to the high cost of energy. The initial strategy of the project to reduce energy demand has been the optimization of the program, renouncing the underground car parking, grouping services and reducing the surface of the houses.

The maximum bioclimatic parameters have been introduced to achieve a very passive building, with solutions that involve active action by users in the climate management of housing. The result is almost zero energy consumption, and therefore, the comfort in the houses with the least associated cost.

The structure of six floors is done using Cross Laminated Timber wood (CLT). This is a lightweight, high quality, renewable material in the environment that allows closing cycles, unlike conventional construction materials such as steel or concrete, whose production has a very high energy cost and are not renewable. La Borda is currently the highest building constructed using wood structure in Spain.

Test case


Test case

Mismatches Location
Policies and regulations National policies
Financing Financial actors
Urban Design Modelos De Ciudad
Promotion and production Public promotion
Ownership and tenure Shared ownership

Main objectives of the project

The process has been a collective effort based on negotiation, in collaboration with the local architectural team, Mascha & Seethaler, management experts (Raum&Co), mobility (Traffix), landscaping (Land in Sicht), energy or sociology, as well as representatives of the neighborhood, the soil promoters (ARE) and the MA21 office of the Vienna City Council; all of them active participants in the design process.



  • Architect: Arenas Basabe Palacios arquitectos


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Barcelona, Spain


The team published the story of this collaborative process as a comic (“Commons”), from the winning project of the Europan 10 competition in Vienna and its later development with a multidisciplinary team until its definitive passing by the Vienna City Council. “Commons” obtained recognition as an example of innovative, sustainable and democratic urbanism.

One of the most challenging issues of today is the question whether housing in itself, as a programme, has the power to generate an urban neighbouthood. “Garden>Courtyard” plays the ball straight back to the municipality, developers and users, suggesting an extrapolated concept of mixing with just a single programme-housing: housing with diverse models of living, diverse models of sharing, diverse models of developing, diverse models of financing, diverse models of landscaping, diverse models of maintaining.

Once the masterplan approved, the landowner (ARE, Austrian Real State) commissioned multiple architecture teams as well as different sporsors to develop an edification design. In the partnership with the Viennese enterprise for social housing and different cooperatives, a collaborative democratic and plural urbanism process was created.
Arenas Basabe Palacios was commissioned with the design and execution of 11 housing blocks in different scales, including 82 housing units with a total of 9500 m2 constructed surface containing community spaces, shared parking facilities for bicycles and commercial spaces in the ground floor for zone.

The design respects the original urban idea and furthermore creates new potential based on the garden-matrix, which is structuring the new district. Each block is constructed around its garden while edification varies in height, bay and edification type: constructions of small scale (size S) contain single-family housing and duplex; Medium-scaled buildings (size M) as their taller complements (size L) serve as collective housing blocks and develop a diverse and porous urban process.

The materiality of the buildings accentuates this idea: Ceramic colour facades are facing the sun, while all living spaces are south-orientated and opened towards the garden. The more intimate bedrooms can be accessed through privacy filters in form of halls which contain service rooms installations and space for storage.

The dwelling´s interiors reflect the characteristic construction system: together with white carpentry, visible vertically perforated bricks (“Hochlochziegel”) are creating a sequence of neutral, flexible and reconfigurable spaces.


Collective housing for elderly people and civic and health centre


Collective housing for elderly people and civic and health centre

Urban Design Environments Equity

Main objectives of the project

The project comprises 105 senior citizens' housing units and features a double-height plinth with a Health Centre and Senior Community Centre. The design fosters a dynamic community and preserves the existing social network of the neighborhood. Located near Glories' square, the project integrates with the urban fabric of Eixample and responds to Diagonal Street. Three housing volumes on top of the plinth accommodate the program. Each building has seven or eight dwellings per floor, connected by a central corridor. Communal spaces include a rooftop terrace, laundry, porch, and patio-solarium. The layout promotes a sense of limitless interconnectedness, with movable walls and open spaces. The construction system incorporates thermal insulation and a district heating system, resulting in high energy efficiency.


  • 2016: Construction


  • Architect: peris+toral.arquitectes
  • Architect: Bonell i Gil


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Barcelona, Spain


The project organises 105 senior citizens housing into three volumes spread out, on top of a double-height plinth containing a Health Centre and a Senior Community Centre. The building’s common spaces help to create a dynamic community. The mixed-use of the program enable to preserve the existing social network of the neighbourhood. The project is located near Glories’ square. This plot is within the Eixample’s urban fabric. At the same time, is part of a city block trimmed by Diagonal’s Street trace.

One of the main challenges the project had to face was the mixed-use program with different real estate developments: 105 housing for Barcelona’s council, a Health Centre for regional government, a Senior Community Centre for the district and a vehicle impoundment parking for BSM. We opted for a unitary building in order to organise and to encourage different uses but also to accommodate the whole program: a group of three volumes of housing on top of one double-height plinth containing the facilities.

By overlapping two different urban strategies, the project is capable of giving response to the surroundings’ complexity. On one hand, the continuous base of the building recognises the grid of the Eixample, by leaning on its alignments. On the other, the housing volumes give continuity to the sequence of nearby isolated blocks in respond to Diagonal Street. The void between these blocks is necessary to filter the public space through and to maintain the global unit. The result is an architectural ensemble that despite its domestic height is able to dialogue with the unique geometry of the high and sharped nearby buildings, joining into a greater scale urban piece of strong identity.

Depending on the block, each building has seven or eight dwellings by floor with a central corridor. This walkway enlarges at both ends where it receives daylight.

At the top floor of each building there are a communal laundry, a covered porch with clothes lines and a patio-solarium with foreseen urban-garden.

At the plinth’s roof level, each building has a multi-use room connected directly with the outside terrace enabling the social services managing the building to organise workshops or activities.

This communal terrace, located at the treetops’ height and endowed with benches, is opened to the surrounding views. It integrates the three blocks into a larger community of neighbours.

Considering these are dwellings for elderly, users are meant to spend long periods of time at home and at the building. Thus, communal spaces enhance and enrich the experience of living. This dwelling’s typology is organised around a central core of serving spaces, which is surrounded by the bedroom and the living room, both understood as a continuous and flexible space articulated by the terrace. This layout enables to perceive space as limitless, not enclosed but interconnected. The bathroom segregates into two pieces: a more private area and an open space.

Spaces connect or segregate through large sliding doors, like movable walls. If they are all open, space flows around the core. Depending on whether doors either open or close, space is transformed so it can be differently used.

The corner’s typology repeats the same scheme of serving spaces. The entrance threshold is enlarged to host the dinning room, linked by a window to the kitchen. The sights connect with the exterior through a large series of frames. The enfilade of doors and windows increase the porosity of space; and as a result, space seems larger than it is.

Rooms are never enclosed, they always vanish into neighbouring spaces slightly introduced for the occupant to imagine. Tangent views flow around the core, linking contiguous spaces.

The dwellings’s structure consists on perimeter walls and pillars always located on the in-between apartments walls so that a free plant is guaranteed. It is at the ground floor level and by using cross-beams where the structure turns into an orthogonal grid of pillars of 7,5×7,5m for the parking located at the lower floors.

The construction system of the housing façade is different than the one for the plinth. The one of the dwellings consists in External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) improving the thermal inertia of the building, whereas in the lower floors Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) is used. Both systems guarantee a thermal break, providing maximum comfort.

The building is connected to a district heating system, providing sanitary hot water and central heating. Inside the houses, we opted for a low-temperature underfloor-heating system in order to obtain greater comfort with less consumption. Due to all these resources, the building is qualified with an A for European energy labeling.


Housing in Trondheim Illa de la Llum


Housing in Trondheim Illa de la Llum

Urban Design

Main objectives of the project

The Illa de la Llum project is located at the intersection of Avinguda Garcia Faria and Selva de Mar, forming part of the Diagonal Mar operation. The site has limited space and follows a rigid urban plan. The towers maximize the available area, allowing for varied dimensions and layouts. The towers incorporate deliberate excavations and recesses to reduce excess height and create connections between neighboring towers. Inside the towers, strips define the corridors, utility spaces, and dwellings, offering flexibility in layout. Continuous terraces project outward from the habitable strip.


  • 2005: Construction


  • Architect: Clotet, Paricio i Assoc. S.L.


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Barcelona, Spain


The project consists of a set of dwellings standing on the intersection between Avinguda Garcia Faria and Selva de Mar, known as the Illa de la Llum (Island of Light), and forms part of the Diagonal Mar operation. The urban plan clearly defines a 32,940 m2 site available for construction to be shared among three buildings. Everything is very precise, with little leeway for manoeuvre, and responds to a highly debatable model that disregards links between facades and the street.

This project clearly rejects the compositional obsession with slenderness, as if it were an unquestionable compositional value. Indeed, the towers take maximum advantage of available ground area, thereby making it possible to build dwellings of different dimensions and distributions. They reach the compulsory height and the excess buildability that would result from all floors being identical is reduced and adjusted by means of deliberate excavations , recesses that increase as height is gained and which are conducted in areas that look northwards, zones without sea views or else at the points of greatest proximity between the towers.

In the towers and around each nucleus of stairs and lifts a series of strips have been defined that totally encompass the nucleus in the big tower and only three of its sides in the smaller one. The nearest is the access corridor to the dwellings. The next one, 50 cm wide, accommodates pillars and utilities. The broadest strip, 8 m wide, houses the dwellings, in which the total absence of fixed vertical elements makes a great variety of distributions possible. Another 50-cm strip once again accommodates utilities, structure and the walls that separate the habitable strip from the continuous terraces that project 3 m outwards.


Fabra & Coats & Social Housing


Fabra & Coats & Social Housing

Urban Design

Main objectives of the project


  • 2019: Rehabilitación


  • Architect: Roldán+Berengué, arqts.


Continent: Europe
City: Barcelona
Country/Region: Barcelona, Spain


The transformation project of the warehouse building of the old industrial complex of Fabra & Coats in Barcelona is included in the process of reconversion of this textile complex of the XIX and XX centuries to incorporate it to the "BCN creation factories" network.
The intervention in the building activates all the elements of the original building creating the new program, and reuses its physical, spatial and historical qualities to make the new construction more efficient and to reinforce the character of the original building.

The original building is 100m long, where the first decision was to bring the value of its maximum dimension, which is the length. We access through the center creating an interior square where the promenade of the interior stairs begins in diagonal double ascending. The original building is communicated physically and visually from the ground level until the roof structure. This vestibule also connects the building to Parellada Street and the Fabra & Coats complex square. This new communal space is the new structural contribution to the original building.

The new construction is by assemblage, it is a dry construction with just few materials, as in the original industrial building. Wood is used in all its forms: solid, agglomerated, cross laminated… Materials are joined as if it was a textile. To sew and un-sew, the new construction by its character and assemblage, can be assembled and disassembled, so it is “reversible”. The building, in the future, as a heritage element, can return to its original form of 1905, and the material used in its construction can be recycled.

Structural reuse of the two inner floors of the building, using them without any reinforcement (load capacity of 1,100kg/m2) to support on both floors the two new levels of housing. We convert two floors into four, to reach this we use a wooden structure, because it is 5 times lighter than a steel structure. The wooden frame structure is a translation of the old steel structures used as shelves for the storage of the threads.

Façade and roof of the building as a thermic buffer for the housing units. The new housing units are placed separated from the façade and the original roof of the building, with a new wooden façade.

The in-between space is created to circulate the air; therefore, the housing units do not require the air conditioning the most part of the year. The 45cm brick wall and the ceramic tile roof of the original building provide its thermal and shading properties to the new interior building, while maintaining its presence as an interior façade of the communal spaces. In this in-between space are the inner streets to access to the houses, identifying the old path of the thread packages through the crane bridge and the conveyor belts. The former textile complex of Fabra & Coats in Barcelona, built between the 19th and 20th centuries, is being gradually recovered to incorporate it into the “BCN creation factories” network. More than 28,000m2 in public buildings and social housing will be added to the Sant Andreu neighborhood.

One side of the building, the result of an extension on 1950, has been destined for the headquarters of the “Colla Castellera Jove” in Barcelona. The adjacent building, 100 m long, has been transformed into a complex of 46 social housing units.

To configure the main space, the training room for human towers (10x10x10 m), is based on the analysis of human towers: pyramidal structures that work, ideally, with pure compression. Due to their operation, they fill the space, creating an empty space around them.

The new structure is conceived in a complementary way to a human tower: it works like a shell, creating an empty space inside. The upper floor under roof is a three-dimensional suspended structure that does not make its operation evident.

The project combines for the first time the rehabilitation of industrial heritage, the creation of social housing and wood construction. The elastic joints of the new elements resolve the compatibility between the two constructions and achieve acoustic comfort in homes that is higher than the standard.

Minimum dimensions in construction solutions
Economic limit: PEM € 1,021 / m2
Reversible construction in response to equity

Implemented solutions
Light construction
Activate the building
Elastic joints in new construction

Rehabilitation in place of new construction:
Reduction of consumption in construction
Reduced demand in operation
